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[dt_sc_hr_invisible /]
[dt_sc_one_third first store-pckgcol][dt_sc_package_item type=”” title=”START-UP PACKAGE” subtitle=”” image=”/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/cs-package-1.jpg” button_text=”Contact Us” button_link=”#ninja-popup-29374″ start_price=”1,895.00 US” start_duration=”” start_dwmy=”” recurring_price=”” recurring_duration=”” recurring_dwmy=”Y”][ninja-popup ID=29374][dt_sc_fancy_ul style=””]
- CoreStrength1 Unit
- Instructional Poster
- Education Cards
- 6 Resistance Tubes
- 4 Handles
- 2 Ankle Straps
[/dt_sc_package_item][/dt_sc_one_third][dt_sc_one_third store-pckgcol][dt_sc_package_item type=”” title=”INTERMEDIATE PACKAGE” subtitle=”” image=”/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/cs-package-2.jpg” button_text=”Contact Us” button_link=”#ninja-popup-29374″ start_price=”2,195.00 US” start_duration=”” start_dwmy=”” recurring_price=”” recurring_duration=”” recurring_dwmy=””][ninja-popup ID=29374]
[dt_sc_fancy_ul style=””]
- CoreStrength1 Unit
- Instructional Poster
- Education Cards
- 6 Resistance Tubes
- 4 Handles
- 2 Ankle Straps
- 5 Athletic Tubes (Varied Tensions)
- 3 Resistance Bands (Varied Tensions)
- Battle Rope
[/dt_sc_package_item][/dt_sc_one_third][dt_sc_one_third store-pckgcol][dt_sc_package_item type=”” title=”ADVANCED PACKAGE” subtitle=”” image=”/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/cs-package-3.jpg” button_text=”Contact Us” button_link=”#ninja-popup-29374″ start_price=”2,495.00 US” start_duration=”” start_dwmy=”” recurring_price=”” recurring_duration=”” recurring_dwmy=””]
[ninja-popup ID=29374]
[dt_sc_fancy_ul style=””]
- CoreStrength1 Unit
- Instructional Poster
- Educational Cards
- 6 Resistance Tubes
- 4 Handles
- 2 Ankle Straps
- 5 Athletic Tubes (Varied Tensions)
- 3 Resistance Bands (Varied Tensions)
- Waist Harness
- Power Cord
- Battle Rope
[dt_sc_hr_invisible /][dt_sc_hr_invisible_small /]
[dt_sc_fullwidth_section backgroundcolor=”” backgroundimage=”/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/testimonials-bg.jpg” opacity=”” parallax=”yes” backgroundrepeat=”repeat” backgroundposition=”” paddingtop=”60″ paddingbottom=”50″ textcolor=”” class=”full-testimonial” first]
[dt_sc_one_half first]
[dt_sc_testimonial image=”/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/RoryKosonic.jpg” name=”CARLOS NEWTON” role=”Former UFC WelterWeight Champion”]CoreSterength1 is THE ULTIMATE ALL IN ONE MACHINE![/dt_sc_testimonial]
[dt_sc_one_half second]
[dt_sc_testimonial image=”/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/team2.jpg” name=”STEPHANIE JOANNE” role=”Canada’s Fitness Expert”]It’s for EVERYONE. It’s versatility makes it perfect for all fitness levels.[/dt_sc_testimonial]
[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row el_class=”testimonials-blocks container”][vc_column][vc_column_text]

Getting to the gym every day is difficult for most people but as the Fitness Expert my audiences and clients often assume I spend hours in the gym. Truth is I spend my days training and motivation my clients and audiences and I can relate to not having endless time to exercise. Getting a complete workout in the least amount of time with great results has been the challenge. When I started to look for a machine which I could use to help me work on my strength and conditioning, this machine was a perfect fit! CoreStrenght1 is one of the most remarkable all-in-one machines I’ve seen and used in years! This innovative machine makes my workouts intense and very efficient. One of the things I really like about CoreStrength1 is that caters to all fitness levels, so I have been recommending it to my audiences and clients. After years of training and hundreds of clients I know versatility in fitness programs is extremely important, with Corestrength1 there are literally limitless amount of exercise you can do. When it comes to getting a complete workout right at home without any sacrifices to my progress or performance, Corestrength1 is my answer!

At first sight the Corestrength1 powered by Jack Lalanne looks like a harmless picnic table….only….it has the opposite effect! This look alike picnic table kicks your butt! This is a moveable exercise apparatus the likes of which I have never seen before. It takes my father’s stretcher- band system(The Glamour Stretcher and Easy Way Conditioner) he formulated in the 1950’ and combines it with elements of his compact weight selector “Fitness King” he invented back in 1965. It’s a real complete gym.
The Coresterngth1 also bends the mind to create new exercises one can do on it and they are indeed limitless. Every time we show it to someone a new type of exercise is created. Not only is CS1 good for the body, it is great for the imagination! When I found out that up to 16 people can use it at once, I knew we found the holy grail of exercise equipment. Having been born and raised in the industry I thought I had seen it all. Not only can the CS1 be used in public facilities such as schools, fire and police departments, but it is a small business in a box; perfect for personal trainers. I have observed that people in the 21st century are spending way too much time on the phone and not enough time moving around. Things are being done for us like never before through science and technology. There is a price to pay for luxury and that price is inactivity. We sincerely hope Corestrength1 powered by Jack LaLanne sends a message to the world that exercise can be fun, reduce stress, and lead to a healthier happier life.

Growing up a LaLanne has given me a unique perspective into the world of physical fitness. Over the last 60 years I have seen our profession expand from a small group of what was then thought of as crackpots and charlatans into a respectable group of millions of healthy knowledgeable professionals worldwide. As a teenager I remember Jack telling me that the fitness profession would grow by leaps and bounds to become one of key professions of the next millennium and boy was he right! When Jaime Cameron first introduced me to the multi-person Corestrength1 System, I was completely blown away! It was as if my father was watching over his shoulder as he created it…Featuring (of all things) the incorporation of Jack’s invention from the 1950’s the very popular. “Glamour Stretcher!”

If I heard it once I heard hundreds of times, “The key to any exercise program, to tighten and firm your muscles, is Resistance!” In the 1930’s, my husband, Jack LaLanne, also known as the Godfather Of Fitness, invented the very first leg extension, weight selector, pulley and squat, (now Smith) machines.
Another first, in early 1950’s he came up with another form of resistance; a long rubber band with hoops on both ends called the Glamour Stretcher, for women, and the Easy Way Conditioner, for men.
Fast-forward sixty years and this concept is now being used worldwide. Not to be outdone, the LaLanne Family has joined forces with Jaime Cameron, to establish a cutting edge piece of equipment known as CORESTRENGTH1 POWERED BY JACK LALANNE. It has a unique pyramid design with progressive steps and bars, plus the incorporation of Jack’s original concept, the resistance stretchers. A number of people can work out at the same time on this movable piece of equipment. It is being used in the Military, Schools, Clinics, Fitness Clubs. Police and Fire Departments. Simply, it’s a complete workout! You will get the same benefits working out on this machine that you would get using the many pieces of heavy equipment in Fitness Centers and Gyms. Fast and easy set up. Little or no maintenance. Ideal for one on one or group training. Jack would be as proud, and I am proud to be a part of the Corestrengthl team Powered by Jack LaLanne.

True fitness arises from a program that respects the body's need for integrated movement, metabolic stress, and progressive overload. I'm excited that the CS1 platform is capable of achieving all 3 effects for up to 8 people at a time. It's perfect for those looking to maximize fitness and minimize equipment cost or density in their facility

I love this fitness system for so many reasons, you can train many people at once with so many exercise options, I love the add-ons like exercise tubing and of course Lebert Buddy Systems! I love the functional training components. Great experience and can't wait to start rocking out our very own at Fitness NATION!

CoreStrength1 redefines levels of fitness. Other machines standard of versatility and practicality have not and canot stand up to was CS1 brings to the table... No matter what someone does for a living, be it professional athletics or sitting at a desk all day, core strength is the most essential area of conditioning to staying healthy and fighting off those phantom aches and pains. It’s amazing to me how many professional gyms don’t put a proper emphasis on that area with their equipment selection. This system meets that need, and in fact takes it to a whole new level.

CoreStrength1 is the most functional and dynamic piece of fitness equipment I have had the opportunity to use. CS1 will change the fitness industry... Whether it be the male and female professional athletes that I work with, or the men and women who come to me with basic needs of getting in and staying in shape, this machine works equally well with both sexes. Men tend to be more explosive, while women are often more gifted in areas of flexibility and movement. The CoreStrength1 system has benefitted my male and female clients with equally beneficial results.

As a former UFC Champion I have been through some amazing workouts, but above all the CoreStrength1 was the ultimate and most complete workout of all

As a CPT who has trained 1000's of clients for both fat loss, athlete performance and physique competitions the CoreStrength1 is one of the most Dynamic pieces of equipment that I have seen. The ability to be used for all fitness levels allows me to utilize the components to work specifically with each individual I train

As a busy mom who understands what it is like to be on the OTHER side of fitness. The CoreStrength1 allows me to get a full body workout in the comfort of my home. Not just a fluff workout either. This is a piece that can grow with you as your fitness levels increase. No need to go to the gym to get your body to the next level- burn fat and tone up with CoreStrength1